[DMgenie] Template size mod?
(too old to reply)
2015-04-05 22:53:51 UTC
Anyone out there provide some help on the scripting required to modify
size in a template? Creature is diminutive and will go to small.

2015-04-06 10:39:30 UTC
Post by m***@verizon.net
Anyone out there provide some help on the scripting required to modify
size in a template? Creature is diminutive and will go to small.

'Change the Creatures Size
sz = ucase(mid(cr.SizeStr,1,1))
CrLa = "0"
select case sz
case "S": CrLa = "1"
case "M": CrLa = "1"
end select
if sz = "S" then cr.SizeStr = "M"
if sz = "M" then cr.SizeStr = "L"
if sz = "M" then cr.FaceReach = "10 ft / 10 ft"

Is what I use for the Half-Ogre template - you can modify the
size/reach categories pretty easily.

"I can already see your name disintegrating from my lips...."
2015-04-07 12:04:22 UTC
Post by Zym
Post by m***@verizon.net
Anyone out there provide some help on the scripting required to
modify size in a template? Creature is diminutive and will go to small.
'Change the Creatures Size
sz = ucase(mid(cr.SizeStr,1,1))
CrLa = "0"
select case sz
case "S": CrLa = "1"
case "M": CrLa = "1"
end select
if sz = "S" then cr.SizeStr = "M"
if sz = "M" then cr.SizeStr = "L"
if sz = "M" then cr.FaceReach = "10 ft / 10 ft"
Is what I use for the Half-Ogre template - you can modify the
size/reach categories pretty easily.
If you are going to calculate all the bonuses yourself, changing sizestr is
fine. However, if you want DM Genie to increase the size, you should use
func.increasesize(S). This should adjust ability scores and natural attacks
2015-04-08 11:02:48 UTC
Post by Nor
If you are going to calculate all the bonuses yourself, changing sizestr is
fine. However, if you want DM Genie to increase the size, you should use
func.increasesize(S). This should adjust ability scores and natural attacks
OOh right - I actually glossed over the stats - think we did the half-ogre
that way as we disagreed with the stats double dipping.

For auto calc I agree use func command.

"I can already see your name disintegrating from my lips...."
